Upcoming Shows:
You Don't Understand - The air date is TBA, but this month I'll be recording an episode of YDU alongside Joe Anderson with host Tom Harrison, wherein we'll examine the strange 1983 fantasy film KRULL.
Paper Machete - If you're in town come hang at the Green Mill Saturday, November 26th (Thanksgiving weekend, which is a particularly fun and rowdy crowd) where I'll be part of the line-up. Just think, we'll know who our president is by then. How terrifying is that.
In Neo News: This weekend was the first ever Neo-Futurist Summit. Ensemble and Board members from the San Francisco and New York Neos came here to Chicago to meet, exchange creative ideas, share infrastructure tips, collaborate together and take shots of Malort. It's been a wonderfully open and inclusive forum, and getting to know our sister companies has been downright delightful. It was a great event, well worth repeating in the future! Not the Malort part, though.
In PleasureTown news: One of the perks of writing for PT means that occasionally staffers are used to round out peripheral characters, NPCs and crowd noises. I got to slide in a couple lines as a disgruntled Scottish woman in the upcoming episode of PT, see if ye can spot the lass when the episode drops this Weds.
In non-writer/performer news: I'll be back in my personal heartland shortly. A couple days in a cabin in the Shenandoahs to hit the reset button and wake up to huge, misty rolling mountains--a welcome change in landscape! Wish I was there already.
Happy Autumn
Currently Reading
Falling in Love with Hominids by Nalo Hopkinson
Ain't I a Woman by bell hooks (always worth a re-visit)
Love and Math by Edward Frenkel (also a re-visit!)