ONE: This Sunday I will be performing at Serving the Sentence! This monthly show at Towbar features writers and storytellers who each start a different story with the same sentence. This month's prompt is "Why would a puppy do that?" I'll be sharing some delightful antics that my rescue dog and I got into during our very first month together.
TWO: The kind and super-fun gents over at Space Lincoln had me back for a second time! In this episode we each got to pitch a fictitious Trek series, and a fourth guest came on as "Mr. Paramount,"evaluated each of our pitches and gave a theoretical green-light to one lucky pitcher! It was a lot of fun both writing and presenting my pitch--not to mention hearing Ben & Steve's ideas! If you enjoy things Trek, take a listen! Easter Egg: Because I'm a doting Auntie who sometimes refuses to separate life-things from my fiction writing, I successfully sneaked three of my nieces' names and one nephew's name into my pitch--one of them is a science vessel! It is hardly the first time, and definitely not the last. I'm allowed to do that because AUNTIE.
THREE: I recently became an Associate Editor with Reading Out Loud, a short fiction podcast, which has been very exciting! Instead of telling you about it, here's what I'll ask instead: If you are a writer who is a person of color, or if you are LGBT*, or if you identify as a woman, or if you are otherwise NON-cis-white-able-male, please consider submitting to ROL. We get scores of submissions, but we are not hearing enough from the voices who are too often marginalized. Send us your short fiction! We want to see your work and put it inside our audience's ears!
Here's to Autumn and all it's beauty,
Currently Reading:
Lilith's Brood (Xenogenesis Trilogy, books 1-3) by Octavia Butler
The Graveyard Book Vol.1 (graphic Novel) by Neil Gaiman and multiple artists