Much, much to update you on, and it's taking a little time to draft up, so please accept this humble placeholder in the mean:
I had a tweet that went viral and I wouldn't wish that experience on ANYONE, EVER. Many people say they want to go viral. I am here to tell you OH GOD NO IT IS A NIGHTMARE. And since my pride would not let me mute the damn thing, it was like drinking from a fire hose. That part I did to myself, I own that.
If you're in Chicago, set aside September 22nd for LitCrawl2018!
Also. I married two people, and it's been about five days and they're still happy, so good job me. I am a minister, by the way.
Also, also: I've updated the Live Lit page with my latest Machete piece. Hooray!
More soon.
Currently Reading
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
An Introduction to Information Theory by John Robinson Pierce
Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution by Shiri Eisner