Yesterday it was 65 degrees out. This morning I woke up to ice-rain. Dammit, Chicago.
Hey Lovelies!
I'm performing next Saturday, come on out if you're in town! Details and updates below:
Paper Machete - Come hang at the Green Mill this coming Saturday, November 26th (Thanksgiving weekend, which is a particularly fun and rowdy crowd). We'll touch on all the news and current events through some much-needed satire, humor and live music.
PleasureTown - We are in the final stretch of season 3. If you've been along for the ride with me and the rest of the PT crew, you've no doubt figured out how much we have fallen in love with many of our characters, but one in particular. Erin Kahoa and I took on co-writing the penultimate episode, but his genius engineering tied the whole thing together to create one hell of a heartbreaker. We also get to use the super-cool recording toy I've mentioned before, so when you listen, use your headphones to get the full effect, it's like VR for your ears.
You Don't Understand - We did it. Well, Tom did it. He saw 1983 fantasy film KRULL for the first time. Joe and I basically watched Tom watch Krull and it was just as good if not better doing that. Take a listen to the episode wherein we review the film: Ril fun times!
TOMEFOOLERY - Oof. Y'all I've talked about Tomefoolery before, but if you're not familiar it is one hell of a podcast. Stand-up comedian, historiophile and benevolent host Cody Melcher selects and challenges his guests to read an unsavory or morally/ethically difficult book prior to coming in for recording, and then we do an episode discussing said horrible book. I've done his podcast a total of three times now, and the latest episode was a doozy because it was the Sunday after the election and, well, we all had a lot to get off our chests. The fab Jen Ellison and I co-guested, you can listen to the episode HERE. I feel like historiophile might not be a word.
In October I got a dose of precious non-city time with some family in the Shenandoahs. The photo above was taken our first day there, at our favorite haunt, Blackrock. I remember crawling all over it decades ago with my siblings. Now I got to watch my nephews do the same, shedding their too-cool teenage attitudes to explore all up and down the trails, scale rockfaces and wear themselves out. You can't go home again, but you sure as hell can visit and make new memories. And Jesus, they're just as good.
Sharon Jones passed away yesterday. I managed to not get swept up in the emotional tidal wave of this year's losses in the music world, but this one hurts. Sharon Jones was incredible and she'll be missed.
Be good to each other.
Currently Reading
The Killing Moon by N. K. Jemisin
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire