I just got a (very rare) manicure in preparation for NYE festivities, so naturally my first action is to commence destrying it by typing up a post. Good on me.
Ril quick: Here's what's cooking in early 2017
The First Time: First Issue is Wednesday, Jan. 11th at 8pm. We're all telling stories about our first issue with something, and we get to pair it with a song to be played by an awesome house band. So you get real stories AND a home-made playlist. It's an awesome show!
The Skewer 15: Chaos Reigns is on Wednesday Feb. 1st at 8pm. I return once again with a new rant that will be relevant to the goings on in January 2017. Come for the comic rage, stay for the communal keening.
How 'bout this December, y'all? Geez. Between the latest spate of celebrity deaths and personally witnessing rad artists pull together to turn a shock into a new beginning, holy hell this month was all over the map.
While we're on the subject, if you clicked thru to the links above, you saw the story of the Neos, what the flagship group in Chicago experienced, and how the NY and SanFran chapters stepped up in solidarity. If you know the Neos, enjoy their work and want to help, the best things you can do to support these ensembles are:
A) make plans with friends to go see the new late night shows in 2017
B) If you don't live near where they're performing, tell your friends who are so they can check it out, and
C) If you're so inclined, skip a morning coffee or two and give to the fundraiser we're running here. Chicago Neos, Board and Artistic Associates (I'm both of those last two) each have their own page with their own personal goal, which feed into one big fundraiser, and you can help me reach my goal if you click on that link to give <3
Okidoke. On to the updates!
In December I guested once again on You Don't Understand, and over at PleasureTown we wrapped our third season. Woot!
You Don't Understand: On this episode, Tom sits me and co-guest Cody Melcher down to a game of Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game. This was an extremely fun, and also nerve-wracking and anxiety riddled evening. Highly recommend, though be prepared to lose friends if you're really committed to the game, oh my god so good.
PleasureTown: Season 3 has now been released in its entirety and you can take a listen here. This season happened to feature one of my best friends whom I've known since my University of Maryland days: actress and filmmaker Eve Rounds--her project, 22 Shots, is mentioned over on the LINKS! page.
That's it for me and I guess that's it for 2016 posts!
Look. This year has been a bit shit, in the general sense. Be strong. Have each other's backs.
Currently Reading
The Shadowed Sun by N. K. Jemisin
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander