This is going to be a link-filled quickie, but they're all legit I promise:
First. This is what is currently going on in Chicago theatre community. It is huge, it is raw and painful and important. Here, here and here are additional links you should know about, related to the subject. I have a great deal of respect and love for friend and journalist Chris Piatt, we are indebted to him and to Aimee Levitt for their careful, detailed investigation of these awful abuses of power.
To follow up on my last post, here are the promised links:
My VGH piece, which got me a twitter mention from the game devs themselves, that felt nice!
Here's the Dune podcast I mentioned in my last post. Twist: The original recording we did was not fit for human ears (damn technology), but the 2nd recording was just fine--the only difference is we replaced Eric Ruelle (cool, but outta town) with Joe Anderson (in town, and also cool). It was a very fun recording session and Joe and I got Smoque BBQ afterward, which is the best way I can think of to wrap up recording a podcast with anyone.
In other quick news:
A member of my PleasureTown family got married last Saturday and it was magical and we all cried and we all danced, and we all drank and we all smoked cigars. You get it. But for real, they are family, and I am the luckiest.
Also, that WRITE CLUB show I'm doing this month? Might be the final WC Chicago show, ever. After six solid sold-out years. So. Come to it, yah? Us long-haulers might get a bit weepy and "I love you, man" but money goes to charity so you can sit through that in order to hear a LOT of incredible writers, right? Yes, you can.
Ok, not as much of a quickie as I'd planned, but y'all should know by now that's how I roll: embarrassingly verbose when it is least useful.
Currently reading:
The same damn books as last time.